130,000 lb Chest Workout – Thunderstruck

130,000 lb Chest Workout – Thunderstruck

Re-evaluation After reaching 85,000 pounds and suffering through the recovery, it was time to once again evaluate the training triad regarding the volume of training poundages: I.) Can they be raised – is it realistically possible; II.) How can they be raised – increased pounds per rep, increased amount of reps, or a combination of both; and III.) The amount they can be raised – […]

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85,000 lb Chest Workout

85,000 lb Chest Workout

An event horizon is a boundary, a type of perimeter that, when crossed, no return is possible.  After the results of this workout were logged the numbers were encouraging.  With my volumes increasing for both back and legs I felt it was time to zero in on my chest.  As a smaller muscle group the poundages were lower, however they need to be a larger […]

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